About Us
Our Story
Scarlet Point Seafoods Ltd. is a small private, family-owned company located in Port Hardy, British Columbia.
Founded in 2000 by Terry Kueber and Linda Passmore the company has evolved, through superior customer service and quality products to be a top leader in supplying fresh and frozen seafood to Canada, USA and Asia.
Our commitment to our fisherman and customers has allowed us continued success and growth.
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Our Team

Main Office: 7215 Market Street, Port Hardy
Seafood Store: 8665 Hastings Street, Port Hardy
Store hours differ from office hours.

Sustainability Matters.
MSC™ is the world’s leading ecolabel and certification program for wild-caught sustainable seafood.
When buyers and consumers see the MSC blue fish label they can be sure that the product is traceable back to a fishery that
has been certified to the MSC’s rigorous environmental standard as a sustainable and well-managed fishery.
All our fish is sourced from fisheries that meet internationally recognized Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) environmental
standards for sustainable fishing MSC-C-51176. All our fish can be traced back to the catching vessel, date and area caught.
At Scarlet Point Seafoods Ltd. we only harvest and buy seafood from legal fisheries in Canada.
Scarlet Point Seafoods is committed to working with fisheries management agencies, local communities, First Nations,
environmental groups, and other stakeholders to ensure effective resource management systems are implemented
that promote sustainable harvest of marine resources and maintenance of healthy ecosystems.
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